Each App Publisher participating in Advertising.Tech’s monetization services program is bound by the terms and conditions of the written agreement (the “Agreement”) executed between it and In addition, all App Publishers must read and comply with the terms provided below (the “Program Requirements”). Advertising.Tech reserves the right to change the policies at any time without prior notice to any App Publisher. Each App Publisher understands that it is its sole responsibility to keep itself abreast of the Program Requirements. Advertising.Tech reserves the sole right to warn, or without notice, terminate any App Publisher that is found in violation of the Program Requirements.

1. App Publisher will ensure that (a) Audience Members are directed to install Approved Product(s) as shown in the Mockups contained in Exhibit A and exclusively through implementations approved by Advertising.Tech; (b) for any action or activity performed by an Audience Member(s) in connection with Monetization Activities on the Approved Product(s), (c) all software provided by App Publisher is programmed to easily uninstall, and may be uninstalled by Audience Members; (d) no Distribution Channel will leverage any viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other harmful components (including spyware, adware, or the like) or material that is inappropriate for general or family viewing (e.g. materials advocating violence or hatred, or any material the display of which may be unlawful in any state); (e) it will not take any actions to modify the distribution, functionality or operation of Advertising.Tech Ads or interfere with traffic, impressions, or clicks from Advertising.Tech Ads (including by generating clicks using automated, deceptive, fraudulent or otherwise prohibited methods), or delete, conceal, avoid or otherwise impair the distribution of any Advertising.Tech Ad or brand features in or on the Advertising.Tech Ads; and (f) it will not engage in or permit Invalid Activity.

2. App Publisher will inform Advertising.Tech within one (1) business day of becoming aware of any actual or threatened lawsuit, governmental investigation or other governmental action related to App Publisher, any Approved Products or marketing or promotional campaigns run by App Publisher. Advertising.Tech reserves the right to investigate any activity that may violate this Agreement. In the event App Publisher or any Affiliate of App Publisher (whether previously or during the Term), and/or any third party engaged by App Publisher are suspended, blacklisted, have payments withheld or charged back and/or are subjected to any fine or penalty, whether monetary or otherwise, on account of any breach of, violation of or non-compliance with any requirements of or obligations to Advertising.Tech and/or Advertising.Tech Ad Partner, including without limitation, those under any agreements or policies (whether communicated verbally or in writing) (each a “App Publisher Incidence”), App Publisher shall notify Advertising.Tech (via the email address for Advertising.Tech that is listed in the Agreement) with all relevant facts and materials concerning such App Publisher Incidence (a) prior to executing this Agreement or beginning any professional relationship with Advertising.Tech, in case of occurrence of App Publisher Incidence prior to the Term or; (b) within twenty-four (24) hours of the occurrence of App Publisher Incidence during the Term. For clarity, this notice requirement concerning any App Publisher Incidence shall be applicable to App Publisher’s or its Affiliates independent professional relationship with any Advertising.Tech Ad Partner, outside the scope of this Agreement. App Publisher agrees and accepts (y) that failure to or delay in providing such notice shall result in immediate termination; and (z) that App Publisher will be subjected to withholding and/or non-payment of accrued revenues outside of relevant chargebacks on any App Publisher Revenue that may have been paid as defined in Section 3.

3. App Publisher will have, or ensure that its Distribution Channels have, a specific end-user license agreement and terms of service (collectively, “EULA”) and privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) governing Audience Members’ interactions with App Publisher, and/or its Distribution Channels, as may be applicable. Such EULA and Privacy Policy shall be in compliance with all Applicable Laws. The Privacy Policy shall (where applicable) (a) disclose App Publisher’s practices with regard to retargeting, online behavioral advertising, and other data collection, processing, use or disclosure; and (b) inform Audience Members of how they may opt out from the collection, processing, or use of personal information for the purposes of receiving targeted advertisements from App Publisher or on its behalf, including a link to either the DAA or the NAI opt-out portals, at and/or, and for Audience Members in the EEA, the EDAA opt-out portal at App Publisher will at all times abide by the applicable EULA and Privacy Policy for each Distribution Channel. In addition, and without limiting the foregoing, App Publisher shall make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that:

3.1 Audience Members have, and will have throughout the Term, access to and the opportunity to review and assent to the applicable EULA and Privacy Policy before any Approved Product is installed onto Audience Members’ computers and while any such Distribution Channel is active thereon. 3.2 Audience Members are not permitted or able, and will not be permitted or able throughout the Term, to download, install or use any Approved Product unless they knowingly consent to the terms of the applicable EULA and Privacy Policy.

3.3 Throughout the Term, the EULA and Privacy Policy will clearly, conspicuously, and accurately inform Audience Members (a) about the manner in which updates, patches or new releases of any Distribution Channel will be provided to Audience Members and Audience Members’ rights and obligations in connection with the provision of such updates, patches or new releases; (b) that, in connection with their download, installation or use of any Distribution Channel software, Audience Members may be provided advertising materials or other content or services; (c) the basis upon which such advertising material, content or services will be provided via the Approved Product, including, without limitation, whether the provision of such advertising materials, content or services is based on an Audience Member’s personal data, Internet activity or computer usage; and (d) that Audience Members’ personal data is and will at all times be governed by the applicable Privacy Policy.

4. All capitalised terms that are not defined herein shall have the definition ascribed to them in the Agreement.

5. Except as expressly modified by these Program Requirements, all other terms of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.

6. In the event of any inconsistency between the Agreement and these Program Requirements, the terms and provisions of these Program Requirements shall govern and control.

7. In case of any questions please reach out to